

The U3A is for people who want to keep active in mind and body, enjoy socialising, and are no longer in full time employment.

If you are tempted to join Newmarket U3A please have a look around this website. It will give you a good idea of the sort of activities we hold. We hold a general meeting for all members once a month - our “Speaker Meetings”. There are also outings and other events to be found on the EVENTS page.

U3A Members also benefit from being able to join any of the growing number of Interest Groups which cover a wide variety of subjects. Some members join the U3A just to be able to participate in our friendly Groups led by knowledgeable and enthusiastic leaders.

Our GROUPS page lists all the Interest Groups we run. Any member of Newmarket U3A can join as many of these groups as they like. Do contact the Group Leader for a chat about their Group if you wish. See GROUPS  pages for details.

Our Members Open Morning

Click the JOIN button to read about membership and how to join. The annual subscription fee is only £15. Membership is open to all those who are not still in full-time employment. Download a membership form or email the Membership Secretary via the CONTACT button to request more information, or send you a membership form to join the U3A.

A Speaker at one of our general meetings
Speaker Meeting

SPEAKER MEETINGS are usually held monthly on the LAST MONDAY of the month at Exning Road Club starting at 2.30pm and are available for all members, and prospective members.

Our speakers at the monthly meetings are carefully chosen to provide interesting and stimulating talks on a wide variety of interests and topics. We welcome any feedback on the speaker or the meeting in general. After the formal presentation there is always the opportunity to talk to the speaker individually and to chat with other members over a cup of tea or coffee.

Click on Events  to see a full list of upcoming general meetings and outings.

Upcoming Speaker Meetings: