Monday 29th July 2024 saw our AGM take place at the Racing Centre.
The official Notice of AGM and associated papers are listed here.
Nine members were proposed for election to the Executive Committee and seconded. As the number of nominations for the Executive Committee does not exceed the number of vacancies, there was no need for a ballot and they are all duly elected.
Election of committee members – nominations received:
Diana Angus-Smith
Graham Briggs
Alistair Brown
Kath Gifkins
Bridget Kerle
Doreen King
Sarah McManus
David Soanes
Chris Timmins
Two members left the Executive Committee at the AGM - Cheryl Bampton and Margaret Jocelyn. We are very grateful to them for their many years' work for us in their various roles.
Details of 2024-25 committee roles can be found here: Committee
Kath Gifkins