We’d love you to join us!
If you are a current member please remember to renew your membership, due on 1st August each year. Complete a Membership Form for each individual member, and please sign up for Gift Aid if you can - every little helps support your U3A.
Membership is open to all those who are not still in full-time employment; the majority of our members are part or fully retired but there is no lower age limit. There are no residence or other qualifications needed.
Complete the membership form from the link above. Payment details are on the form.
Alternatively, ask the Membership Secretary to send you a form in the post. For further information or queries the Membership Secretary will be glad to hear from you - see the CONTACT button above.
If you are tempted to join Newmarket U3A please have look around this website. It will give you a good idea of the sort of activities we hold. Our GROUPS page lists all the Interest Groups we run and the days in each month that these groups meet. Any member of Newmarket U3A can join as many of these groups as they like. Do contact the Group Leader for a chat about their Group if you wish. See GROUPS pages for details. Come to a SPEAKER MEETING, which is usually held monthly on the LAST MONDAY of the month at Exning Road Club (see EVENTS).
Before you join you are welcome to attend a "taster session" at any meeting at no charge by agreement with the appropriate Group Leader in order to sample the U3A experience.
The cost of annual membership is £15 from 1 August to 31 July. Anyone joining in June and July will get 14 months for the price of 12.
Groups have their own charges per meeting (currently £1.50).
Newmarket U3A FACEBOOK Group
If you are a user of Facebook, we have our own Newmarket U3A member Facebook group so if you haven't already, please follow the link above and request to join. This is a great place for sharing news and pictures. Please pass on the message to other members who you know use Facebook. If you aren't a Facebook user, why not join up now.