


Status:Active, open to new members
Rosemary Foreman Tel: 01638 730072
Kath Gifkins Tel: 01638 610535
When: Monthly on Wednesday afternoons 2:30 pm
3rd Wednesday
Venue: Exning Road Social Club

New members are always welcome. Free tea and coffee.

On Wednesday 15th May we will be holding a plant sale, so please bring along any spare plants, cuttings or seedlings you may have and be prepared to stock up your garden by buying lots! All proceeds to the group funds to pay for speakers.

On the 19th June Porters Lodge Garden, Cavenham will be opening up especially for a visit by our group. Entry plus tea and cake is £10. If you haven't already got your name on the list please contact us for further details.
A reminder that if you are booked for the visit to Porters Lodge Gardens on June 19th, we need your payment of £10 before June 5th. Cheques (payable to Newmarket U3A events) or cash to Rosemary or Kath please, if paying by BACS use Garden Visit as the reference.
There will be no meeting at ERC on this day.

On July 17th Chris Easom will be telling us some ‘Gardening Tales from the Racecourses’

There are still spaces on the coach trip to Kelmarsh Hall and Gardens in Northamptonshire on August 21st. The cost of this is £30 including entry to both house and gardens.
This trip is open to all U3A members - contact Rosemary or Kath for details and to book.

All are welcome to join us, no matter if you are an armchair gardener or the dirt under the nails sort!.

All our meetings take place at the Exning Road Club, except where indicated, at 2.30pm, tea and coffee are available all for a meeting fee of £1.50. We also ask that all attending purchase a raffle ticket for an additional £1, the proceeds from this enables us to engage speakers several times a year.

Donations of prizes for the raffle, not necessarily gardening related, are greatly appreciated as are plants and seeds for a trade table.

We welcome members old and new and any ideas you may have to keep the group blossoming.

Kath and Rosemary